About project
True Shiitake is the brand under which we supply the same mushrooms that have been harvested from fallen trees by Japanese samurai for centuries.
Why Shiitake on wood? Because we strongly believe in a sustainable future!
Cultivation enters as an intermediate step in the production of firewood. This means that it is possible to produce a healthy foodstuff for several years and then use the wood as fuel. The cultivation system also allows us to combine intensive and extensive farming in a unique way.
On a few hundred square metres we are able to produce up to 30 times more protein than growing cattle. To do this, we need about 70 times less water*. Because of these fundamental aspects, which are very important for a sustainable way of life on this planet, we would like to introduce the cultivation of Shiitake mushrooms into society.
With minimal costand a little bit of patience and work, almost anyone can use wood as a regular food source for several years.
On our farm close to the the village of Káraný in a disused facility that has been unused for several decades, we are working hard to achieve complete energy self-sufficiency, using 100% of rainwater as well as waste materials, while still producing wholesome food with a high vitamin and nutrient content.